


Galvanize Action is having a unique impact on our democracy through long-term engagement with America’s largest voting bloc. The key to our success strategy? Rigorous research, message development, and...Read More

As the school year comes to a close and parents everywhere are grappling with how they’ll string together care this summer, the issue is top of mind for many....Read More

Post-midterm voter file information is starting to roll in from each of our priority states, so we thought it’d be a good time to explain how we analyze this...Read More

President Biden gave his second State of the Union address this week and Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders delivered the Republican response. Both touched on issues that are top-of-mind for...Read More

We’re thrilled to share that our 2022 Field Experiment & Tracking Survey won an Expy research award! The Analyst Institute bestows its prestigious Expy awards upon members who demonstrate...Read More

When 2022 began there was a feeling of hope in the air. We seemed to be coming out of the pandemic, tension from daily angry tweets faded away, and...Read More

The year began with early predictions of disastrous midterms for the Democrats. Beyond the usual “history tells us that midterm elections generally go well for the party that’s not...Read More

The midterms are in just 14 days. The races are tightening and early voting has begun. Here’s how things are shaping up in the Rust Belt:  The economy continues to...Read More